The intensive care unit (ICU) of our hospital is a 12 bed multidisc1plinary ICU which is under the auspices of the Department of Anesthesiology. The ICU is essentially a respiratory ICU in which all hospital patients requiring ventilatory support are cared for. The patient population encompasses all causes of respiratory failure, medical and surgica1. Another sou- rce of referral (surgical and medical) is a large group of critically ill patients with multi- organ failure, especially due to trauma. Our experience of intensive care therapy began in the recovery room starting in 1959. Since that time the size and facilities of the ICU have been enlarged. We analyzed 4,514 ICU patients admitted between Mar. 1980 and Feb, 1984, to obtain better guidance and management in the ICU. The results of analysis are as follows: 1) Total number of patients was 4, 514; 874 patients in 1980, 832 patients in 1981, 895 patients in l982, 862 patients in 1983 and 1, 051 patients in 1984. The ratio of male to fem- ale patients was nearly 2: l. 2) Total admission time in the ICU was 17, 473 days, The average patient stay was 3. 9 days. The number of patients staying in the ICU more than 9 days increased from 54 cases(6%) in 1980 to 101 cases(10%) in 1984. 3) The forty year age group outrumbered the order age group and was 20.5%. The mortality rate of the pre-teen age group was the highest(19.7%) and the overall mortality was 14. 2% (640 cases) during these 5 years. 4) The number of patients admitted to the ICU from the Department of Neurosurgery was 1,218 (27%)being the highest among all departments. Out of 232 patients who died, the Department of Neurosurgery had the highest mortality rate, 19.1%. From the above -esults, it can be seen that the number. of patients admitted to the ICU, the mortality rate and the patients staying more than 9 days in the ICU has increased annu- ally It is claimed that more facilities allowing for monitoring and support, special qualified staffs and a co-ordinated organization will reduce the mortality rate, particularly in the pre-teen age group.