By virtue of the development of monitoring system and increasing tendency of critically ilI patients, We have performed cannuIation of radia1 artery after Allen's test for the continuous monitoring of arterial pressure. It is very important to measure blood pressure accurately, so it gives us many informations in. the poor risk patients. During monitoring of blood pressure for several years, we have had much troubles because of damping of arterial pressure waves due to air bubbles. In this study, we used P23 Db pressure tranducer and Spacelab Alpha System for monitoring of blood pressure, following cannulation of radial artery. Air bubbles of 0.5 ml, 1. 0 ml, 15 mI and 2. 0 ml were inserted into m0nitoring system, i.e. fluid-filled catheter respectivey. The statistical analysis by paired student T-test showed following results. 1) Systolic blood pressure were decreased significantly from 110