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Seung-Taek Oh 1 Article
The Effects of a Delirium Notification Program on the Clinical Outcomes of the Intensive Care Unit: A Preliminary Pilot Study
Jaesub Park, Seung-Taek Oh, Sunyoung Park, Won-Jung Choi, Cheung Soo Shin, Se Hee Na, Jae-Jin Kim, Jooyoung Oh, Jin Young Park
Acute Crit Care. 2018;33(1):23-33.   Published online February 6, 2018
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Delirium is common among intensive care unit (ICU) patients, so recent clinical guidelines recommended routine delirium monitoring in the ICU. But, its effect on the patient’s clinical outcome is still controversial. In particular, the effect of systems that inform the primary physician of the results of monitoring is largely unknown.
The delirium notification program using bedside signs and electronic chart notifications was applied to the pre-existing delirium monitoring protocol. Every patient was routinely evaluated for delirium, pain, and anxiety using validated tools. Clinical outcomes, including duration of delirium, ICU stay, and mortality were reviewed and compared for 3 months before and after the program implementation.
There was no significant difference between the two periods of delirium, ICU stay, and mortality. However, anxiety, an important prognostic factor in the ICU survivor’s mental health, was significantly reduced and pain tended to decrease.
Increasing the physician’s awareness of the patient’s mental state by using a notification program could reduce the anxiety of ICU patients even though it may not reduce delirium. The results suggested that the method of delivering the results of monitoring was also an important factor in the success of the delirium monitoring program.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Adaptation and Validation of a Chart‐Based Delirium Detection Tool for the ICU (CHART‐DEL‐ICU)
    Karla D. Krewulak, Carmen Hiploylee, E. W. Ely, Henry T. Stelfox, Sharon K. Inouye, Kirsten M. Fiest
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.2021; 69(4): 1027.     CrossRef

ACC : Acute and Critical Care